Best Christmas Ever
Released December, 2017
Riley was super excited. It was almost December, which meant that it was almost Christmas! He had started to look through the toy catalogues that came in the mail, making lists and lists of all the things he was going to ask for for Christmas. At school, he and his friends sat around talking about the toys that they wanted to get.
“I want a new bike”, said Becky.
“I want a Star Wars Lego set!” James cried, before jumping up and doing his best fighting Jedi impersonation.
“Well I want a trampoline, they are so much fun to jump on”, announced Ella.
“That’s nothing”, Riley smiled, “I’ve asked for the brand new Avengers set. They have Hunk, Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man! What about you Tom? What have you asked for for Christmas?” Everyone turned to look at Tom, who was sitting at the end of their table. Tom didn’t look up from his lunch, he just shrugged.
“What, you haven’t asked for anything?” questioned Becky. Tom shook his head. Riley couldn’t believe it, who wouldn’t ask for toys for Christmas?
That night when getting ready for bed, Riley was talking to his mother about his day at school.
“Hey Mum, do you know Tom said he hasn’t asked for anything for Christmas? How crazy is that! Everyone wants something for Christmas, isn’t that what it’s all about anyway?” Riley’s mother stopped tucking in his sheets and looked at her son.
“Riley”, she said softly, “Do you remember earlier this year when we heard about how one of the big mining companies had closed?”
“Yes”, Riley replied, “I remember because you and Dad were so worried that it was his company. I remember Dad being really worried that he wouldn’t have a job anymore”.
“That’s right”, his mother nodded. “Now thankfully, it wasn’t Daddy’s company that closed. But Tom’s family wasn’t so lucky. His daddy hasn’t had a job for a few months now, so the reason Tom hasn’t asked for anything for Christmas might be because he knows his parents might not have very much money to spend on presents this year”.
“Oh”, Riley said quietly. His mother kissed him goodnight and left the room, but it was a long time before Riley could get to sleep.
Over the next few weeks, Riley watched Tom at school. He noticed that Tom’s hair looked a little funny like maybe his mum had cut his hair instead of a hairdresser. He noticed that all Tom ever had in his lunch box was one sandwich and one piece of fruit. There was never anything interesting like Lunchables or Tiny Teddy biscuits or even chips. He noticed that Tom’s mum didn’t pick him up in their car anymore. Now, his dad would walk down to the school and pick Tom up after school.
December slowly rolled by, the weather getting hotter and hotter. Finally, the last day of school had arrived. Riley was about to head out the gate with his mum when he noticed Tom, his dad, and his younger sister leaving the school grounds.
“Wait, Mum”, Riley exclaimed. His mum looked at him. “Can we give Tom and his family a lift home? They walk home and it’s so hot today it might be nice if we take them”. Riley’s mum smiled at him and agreed. They jumped in the car and drove back around the corner to where Tom and his family were walking, looking very hot indeed. Riley’s mum pulled the car over.
“Tom!” Riley shouted as he jumped out of the car. “Want a lift?” Tom looked at his dad.
“That would be great”, he said thankfully. The kids all bundled in the back seat and Tom’s dad sat in front, directing them where to go. As they drove, Riley couldn’t believe how far Tom and his family walked just to get to school. It was only about five minutes or so in the car, but it would take a long time to walk.
As they waved goodbye to Tom’s very thankful family and drove away, Riley was very quiet.
“You tired love?” asked his mum. Riley just nodded. He wasn’t tired, but he did feel bad for Tom and his family.
Riley couldn’t stop thinking about Tom over the next few days. He and his mum baked so many Christmas cookies and cupcakes that their house was starting to look like a bakery. Finally, it was Christmas Eve, and Riley forgot about Tom for a little while, he was too excited. He and his family went out looking at the streets with houses all dressed up in Christmas lights. They came home and had ice cold chocolate milkshakes with Christmas cookies. Then Riley kissed his parents' goodnight and climbed into bed. Laying there in the dark, he started thinking about Tom and his family again. He wondered what they had done tonight if they had been out to look at lights or had Christmas cookies. He fell asleep feeling sad and not knowing what to do about it.
Christmas morning was bright and sunny. Riley jumped out of bed and raced downstairs to the Christmas tree. His mum was already up making coffee.
“Merry Christmas!” he shouted as he flung his arms around her waist.
“Merry Christmas love”, she smiled, ruffling his hair. “Go wake your father up and tell him there’s coffee and presents down here”. Riley bounced up the stairs two at a time, woke up his dad with a loud “Merry Christmas!” and dragged him downstairs to the lounge room. His mum brought the coffee in and sat down.
Riley gave his parents the presents he had gotten for them first and then tore into his. He had gotten so much good stuff this year. His grandma had sent him a new pack of comics, his uncle had sent him a new computer game. He got new clothes, a board game, a new bag and a stocking full of lollies and chocolate. Finally, he picked up the last present under the tree. Making an excited noise, he ripped the wrapping off a quickly as he could. There they were! The Avengers! He couldn’t believe he had actually gotten them.
Suddenly, Riley felt sad. He put the box down in front of him and frowned.
“What’s up mate?” his dad asked. Riley looked up.
“Dad, I know that this is what I asked for, and I really love it but...” He stopped. His parents looked confused.
“Do you not want it any more love?” his mum sat next to him. A small tear leaked out of the corner of Riley’s eye and slowly rolled down his cheek.
“Mum, I can’t stop thinking about Tom and his family. I know they don’t have money for treats for school, and they have to walk to school now not drive and it’s so far! And last night we got to see the lights and have milkshakes and cookies and I don’t think they get to have things like that. I know it will probably ruin our Christmas but I have something to ask you.” Riley’s dad joined them on the floor.
“Sure thing mate, what do you want?” he put his arm around Riley’s shoulder.
Riley took a deep breath and then spoke very quickly. “I thought that maybe we could take some of our cookies and cupcakes around to Tom’s place. We know where they live now because we gave them a lift home from school. I think, if it’s ok with you, I will give Tom my new Avenger’s set. I DO love it, but I think Tom will love it even more”. He couldn’t look at his parents, he knew they would be annoyed.
Suddenly, both his parents grabbed him and hugged him at the same time, hard.
“Oh Riley, I think that is a brilliant idea,” his mum said, smiling with tears in her eyes. “I think I might even have something that we can give his little sister too”. So Riley and his dad picked up a whole box full of cookies and cupcakes, and re-wrapped his present, while his mum pulled out a present to give Tom’s sister. They packed everything into the car and drove round to Tom’s house.
When they knocked on the door, Tom answered, looking a little confused.
“Merry Christmas! This is for you”, said Riley as he thrust the present into Tom’s hands. Tom’s parents came to the door and spoke with Riley’s. The grown-ups moved into the kitchen, but Riley waited for Tom to open his present. Tom slowly pulled the wrapping paper off the present and let it fall to the floor.
“Your Avenger’s set” he whispered. “This is the one thing you wanted for Christmas”
“Yeah, but I want you to have it” Riley smiled.
“Want to come and play with them?” Tom asked. Riley nodded. He felt like maybe this was the best Christmas ever.